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Introduction to Nutch, Part 2: Searching

Introduction to Nutch, Part 2: Searching

by Tom White


part one
of this two part series on Nutch, the
open-source Java search engine, we looked at how to crawl websites.
Recall that the Nutch crawler system produces three key data

  1. The WebDB containing the web graph of pages and
  2. A set of segments containing the raw data retrieved from
    the Web by the fetchers.
  3. The merged index created by indexing and de-duplicating
    parsed data from the segments.

In this article, we turn to searching. The Nutch search
system uses the index and segments generated during the crawling
process to answer users' search queries. We shall see how to get
the Nutch search application up and running, and how to customize
and extend it for integration into an existing website. We'll also
look at how to re-crawl sites to keep your index up to date--a
requirement of all real-world search engines.

Running the Search Application

Without further ado, let's run a search using the results of the
crawl we did last time.
Tomcat seems to be the most popular
servlet container for running Nutch, so let's assume you have it
installed (although there is some guidance
on the Nutch wiki for Resin).
The first step is to install the Nutch web app. There are some

reported problems
with running Nutch (version 0.7.1) as a
non-root web app, so it is currently safest to install it as the
root web app. This is what the Nutch tutorial advises. If Tomcat's
web apps are in ~/tomcat/webapps/, then type the following in
the directory where you unpacked Nutch:

rm -rf ~/tomcat/webapps/ROOT*
cp nutch*.war ~/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war

The second step is to ensure that the web app can find the index
and segments that we generated last time. Nutch looks for these in
the index and segments subdirectories of the
directory defined in the searcher.dir property. The
default value for searcher.dir is the current
directory (.), which is where you started Tomcat.
While this may be convenient during development, often you don't
have so much control over the directory in which Tomcat starts up,
so you want to be explicit about where the index and segments may
be found. Recall from part one that Nutch's configuration files are
found in the conf subdirectory of the Nutch distribution.
For the web app, these files can be found in
WEB-INF/classes/. So we simply create a file called
nutch-site.xml in this directory (of the unpacked web app)
and set searcher.dir to be the crawl directory
containing the index and segments.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="nutch-conf.xsl"?>

<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->


After restarting Tomcat, enter the URL of the root web app in
your browser (in this example, I'm running Tomcat on port 80, but
the default is port 8080) and you should see the Nutch home page.
Do a search and you will get a page of search results like Figure

Figure 1

Figure 1. Nutch search results for the query "animals"

The search results are displayed using the format used by all
mainstream search engines these days. The explain and
anchors links that are shown for each hit are unusual and
deserve further comment.

Score Explanation

Clicking the explain link for the page A hit brings up
the page shown in Figure 2. It shows some metadata for the page hit
(page A), and a score explanation. The score explanation is
a Lucene feature that shows all of the factors that contribute to the
calculated score for a particular hit. The formula for score
calculation is rather

, so it is natural to ask why this page is promoted by
Nutch when it is clearly unsuitable for the average user.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Nutch's score explanation page for page A, matching the
query "animals"

One of Nutch's key selling points is its transparency. Its
ranking algorithms are open source, so anyone can see them. Nutch's
ability to "explain" its rankings online--via the explain
link--takes this one step further and allows an (expert) user to
see why one particular hit ranked above another for a given search.
In practice, this page is only really useful for diagnostic
purposes for people running a Nutch search engine, so there is no
need to expose it publicly, except perhaps for PR reasons.


The anchors page (not illustrated here) provides a list
of the incoming anchor text for the pages that link to the page of
interest. In this case, the link to page A from page B had the
anchor text "A." Again, this is a feature for Nutch site
maintainers rather than the average user of the site.

Integrating Nutch Search

While the Nutch web app is a great way to get started with
search, most projects using Nutch require the search function to be
more tightly integrated with their application. There are various
ways to achieve this, depending on the application. The two ways
we'll look at here are using the Nutch API and using the
OpenSearch API

Using the Nutch API

If your application is written in Java, then it is worth
considering using Nutch's API directly to add a search capability.
Of course, the Nutch web app is written using the Nutch API, so you
may find it fruitful to use it as a starting point for your
application. If you take this approach, the files to take a look at
first are the JSPs in src/web/jsp in the Nutch

To demonstrate Nutch's API, we'll write a minimal command-line
program to perform a search. We'll run the program using Nutch's
launcher, so for the search we did above, for the term "animals,"
we type:

bin/nutch org.tiling.nutch.intro.SearchApp animals

And the output is as follows.

'A' is for Alligator (http://keaton/tinysite/A.html)
<b> ... </b>Alligators' main prey are smaller <b>animals</b> that they can kill and<b> ... </b>

'C' is for Cow (http://keaton/tinysite/C.html)
<b> ... </b>leather and as draught <b>animals</b> (pulling carts, plows and<b> ... </b>

Here's the program that achieves this. To get it to run, the
compiled class is packaged in a .jar file, which is then placed in
Nutch's lib directory. See the
Resources section to obtain the .jar file.

package org.tiling.nutch.intro;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.nutch.searcher.Hit;
import org.apache.nutch.searcher.HitDetails;
import org.apache.nutch.searcher.Hits;
import org.apache.nutch.searcher.NutchBean;
import org.apache.nutch.searcher.Query;

public class SearchApp {

private static final int NUM_HITS = 10;

public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException {

if (args.length == 0) {
String usage = "Usage: SearchApp query";

NutchBean bean = new NutchBean();
Query query = Query.parse(args[0]);
Hits hits = bean.search(query, NUM_HITS);

for (int i = 0; i < hits.getLength(); i++) {
Hit hit = hits.getHit(i);
HitDetails details = bean.getDetails(hit);

String title = details.getValue("title");
String url = details.getValue("url");
String summary =
bean.getSummary(details, query);

System.out.print(" (");
System.out.println("\t" + summary);



Although it's a short and simple program, Nutch is doing lots of
work for us, so we'll examine it in some detail. The central class
here is NutchBean--it orchestrates the search for
us. Indeed, the
doc comment
for NutchBean states that it provides
"One-stop shopping for search-related functionality."

Upon construction, the NutchBean object opens the
index it is searching against in read-only mode, and reads the set
of segment names and filesystem locations into memory. The index
and segments locations are configured in the same way as they were
for the web app: via the searcher.dir property.

Before we can perform the search, we parse the query string
given as the first parameter on the command line
(args[0]) into a Nutch Query object. The
Query.parse() method invokes Nutch's specialized
parser (org.apache.nutch.analysis.NutchAnalysis), which
is generated from a grammar using the JavaCC parser generator.
Although Nutch relies heavily on Lucene for its text indexing,
analysis, and searching capabilities, there are many places where
Nutch enhances or provides different implementations of core Lucene
functions. This is the case for Query, so be careful
not to confuse Lucene's org.apache.lucene.search.Query
with Nutch's org.apache.nutch.searcher.Query. The
types represent the same concept (a user's query), but they are not
type-compatible with one another.

With a Query object in hand, we can now ask the bean
to do the search for us. It does this by translating the Nutch
Query into an optimized Lucene Query,
then carrying out a regular Lucene search. Finally, a Nutch
Hits object is returned, which represents the top
matches for the query. This object only contains index and document
identifiers. To return useful information about each hit, we go
back to the bean to get a HitDetails object for each
hit we are interested in, which contains the data from the index.
We retrieve only the title and URL fields here, but there are more
fields available: the field names may be found using the
getField(int i) method of HitDetails.

The last piece of information that is displayed by the
application is a short HTML summary that shows the context of the
query terms in each matching document. The summary is constructed
by the bean's getSummary() method. The
HitDetails argument is used to find the segment and
document number for retrieving the document's parsed text, which is
then processed to find the first occurrence of any of the terms in
the Query argument. Note that the amount of context to
show in the summary--that is, the number of terms before and after
the matching query terms--and the maximum summary length are both
Nutch configuration properties
(searcher.summary.context and
searcher.summary.length, respectively).

That's the end of the example, but you may not be surprised to
learn that NutchBean provides access to more of the
data stored in the segments, such as cached content and fetch date.
Take a look at the
API documentation
for more details.

Using the OpenSearch API

OpenSearch is an
extension of RSS 2.0 for publishing search engine results, and was
developed by A9.com, the search engine
owned by Amazon.com. Nutch supports OpenSearch 1.0 out of the box.
The OpenSearch results for the search in Figure 1 can be accessed
by clicking on the RSS link in the bottom right-hand corner of the
page. This is the XML that is returned:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0"

<title>Nutch: animals</title>
<description>Nutch search results for query: animals</description>



<title>'A' is for Alligator</title>
<description><b> ... </b>Alligators'
main prey are smaller <b>animals</b>
that they can kill and<b> ... </b></description>


<title>'C' is for Cow</title>
<description><b> ... </b>leather
and as draught <b>animals</b>
(pulling carts, plows and<b> ... </b></description>



This document is an RSS 2.0 document, where each hit is
represented by an item element. Notice the two extra
namespaces, opensearch and nutch, which
allow search-specific data to be included in the RSS document. For
example, the opensearch:totalResults element tells you
the number of search results available (not just those returned in
this page). Nutch also defines its own extensions, allowing
consumers of this document to access page metadata or related
resources, such as the cached content of a page, via the URL in the
nutch:cache element.

Using OpenSearch to integrate Nutch is a great fit if your
front-end application is not written in Java. For example, you
could write a PHP front end to Nutch by writing a PHP search page
that calls the OpenSearch servlet and then parses the RSS response and
displays the results.

Real-World Nutch Search

The examples we have looked at so far have been very simple in
order to demonstrate the concepts behind Nutch. In a real Nutch
setup, other considerations come into play. One of the most
frequently asked questions on the Nutch newsgroups concerns keeping
the index up to date. The rest of this article looks at how to
re-crawl pages to keep your search results fresh and relevant.


Unfortunately, re-crawling is not as simple as re-running the
crawl tool that we saw in part one. Recall that this
tool creates a pristine WebDB each time it is run, and starts
compiling lists of URLs to fetch from a small set of seed URLs. A
re-crawl starts with the WebDB structure from the previous crawl
and constructs the fetchlist from there. This is generally a good
idea, as most sites have a relatively static URL scheme. It is,
however, possible to filter out the transient portions of a site's
URL space that should not be crawled by editing the
conf/regex-urlfilter.txt configuration file. Don't be
confused by the similarity between conf/crawl-urlfilter.txt
and conf/regex-urlfilter.txt--while they both have the
same syntax, the former is used only by the crawl
tool, and the latter by all other tools.

The re-crawl amounts to running the generate/fetch/update cycle,
followed by index creation. To accomplish this, we employ the
lower-level Nutch tools to which the crawl tool delegates. Here is a simple shell script to do it, with the tool names


# A simple script to run a Nutch re-crawl

if [ -n "$1" ]
echo "Usage: recrawl crawl_dir [depth] [adddays]"
exit 1

if [ -n "$2" ]

if [ -n "$3" ]


# The generate/fetch/update cycle
for ((i=1; i <= depth ; i++))
bin/nutch generate $webdb_dir $segments_dir -adddays $adddays
segment=`ls -d $segments_dir/* | tail -1`
bin/nutch fetch $segment
bin/nutch updatedb $webdb_dir $segment

# Update segments
mkdir tmp
bin/nutch updatesegs $webdb_dir $segments_dir tmp
rm -R tmp

# Index segments
for segment in `ls -d $segments_dir/* | tail -$depth`
bin/nutch index $segment

# De-duplicate indexes
# "bogus" argument is ignored but needed due to
# a bug in the number of args expected
bin/nutch dedup $segments_dir bogus

# Merge indexes
ls -d $segments_dir/* | xargs bin/nutch merge $index_dir

To re-crawl the toy site we crawled in part one, we would run:

./recrawl crawl-tinysite 3

The script is practically identical to the crawl
tool except that it doesn't create a new WebDB or inject it with
seed URLs. Like crawl, the script takes an optional
second argument, depth,
which controls the number of
iterations of the generate/fetch/update cycle to run (the default is
five). Here we have specified a depth of three. This allows us to
pick up new links that may have been created since the last

The script supports a third argument, adddays, which is
useful for forcing pages to be retrieved even if they are not yet
due to be re-fetched. The page re-fetch interval in Nutch is
controlled by the configuration property
db.default.fetch.interval, and defaults to 30 days.
The adddays arguments can be used to advance the clock for
fetchlist generation (but not for calculating the next fetch time),
thereby fetching pages early.

Updating the Live Search Index

Even with the re-crawl script, we have a problem with updating
the live search index. As mentioned above, the
NutchBean class opens the index to search when it is
initialized. Since the Nutch web app caches the
NutchBean in the application servlet context, updates
to the index will never be picked up as long as the servlet
container is running.

This problem is recognized by the Nutch community, so it will
likely be fixed in an upcoming release (Nutch 0.7.1 was the stable
release at the time of writing). Until Nutch provides a way to do
it, you can work around the problem--possibly the simplest way is
to reload the Nutch web app after the re-crawl completes. More
sophisticated ways of solving the problem are

on the newsgroups. These typically involve modifying
NutchBean and the search JSP to pick up changes to the


In this two-article series, we introduced Nutch and discovered
how to crawl a small collection of websites and run a Nutch search
engine using the results of the crawl. We covered the basics of
Nutch, but there are many other aspects to explore, such as the
plugins available
to customize your setup, the tools for maintaining the search index
(type bin/nutch to get a list), or even whole-web
crawling and searching. Possibly the best thing about Nutch, though,
is its vibrant user
and developer
community, which is continually coming up with new ideas and ways
to do all things search-related.


  • Download the code supporting this

  • Part one
    of this series covers the Nutch crawler system. It also
    lists a number of useful


This article is for my elder daughter Emilia.

Tom White is lead Java developer at Kizoom, a leading U.K. software company in the delivery of personalized travel information.

View all java.net Articles.


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