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SIGIR 2014 accepted Full Papers

SIGIR 2014 accepted Full Papers

Included here is a tentative list of the full papers and their allocation into sessions. Note: titles, author lists, and allocations are subject to change.

Risks and Rewards (Room 5, 10:30-11:45)

•Modelling Interaction with Economic Models of Search
Leif Azzopardi (University of Glasgow)
•Query-Performance Prediction: Setting the Expectations Straight
Fiana Raiber (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), Oren Kurland (Technion)
•Hypothesis Testing for Risk-Sensitive Evaluation of Retrieval Systems
Bekir Taner Dincer (Mugla University), Craig Macdonald (U. Glasgow), Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow)

#microblog #sigir2014 (Room 6, 10:30-11:45)

•Temporal Feedback for Tweet Search with Non-Parametric Density Estimation
Miles Efron (University of Illinois), Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland), Jiyin He (Centrum Wiskunde Informatica), Arjen P. de Vries (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
•Fine-Grained Location Extraction from Tweets with Temporal Awareness
Chenliang Li (Wuhan University), Aixin Sun (Nanyang Technological University)
•Collaborative Personalized Twitter Search with Topic-Language Models
Jan Vosecky (HKUST), Kenneth Wai-Ting Leung (HKUST), Wilfred Ng (HKUST)

Recommendation (Room 7, 10:30-11:45)

•Gaussian Process Factorization Machines for Context-aware Recommendations
Trung Nguyen (NICTA & ANU), Alexandros Karatzoglou (Telefonica Research), Linas Baltrunas (Telefonica Research)
•Addressing Cold Start in Recommender Systems: A Semi-supervised Co-training Algorithm
Mi Zhang (Fudan University), Jie Tang (Tsinghua University), Xuchen Zhang (Fudan University), Xiangyang Xue
•Explicit Factor Models for Explainable Recommendation based on Phrase-level Sentiment Analysis
Yongfeng Zhang (Tsinghua University), Min Zhang (Dept of Computer Science, Tsinghua University), Yi Zhang (Unversity of California Santa Cruz)

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (Room 5, 1:15-2:55)

•Context-Aware Web Search Abandonment Prediction
Yang Song (Microsoft Research, Redmond), Xiaolin Shi (Microsoft), Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research), Ahmed Hassan (Microsoft Research)
•Impact of Response Latency on User Behavior in Web Search
Ioannis Arapakis (Yahoo Labs Barcelona), Xiao Bai (Yahoo Labs, Barcelona), B. Barla Cambazoglu (Yahoo Labs)
•Towards Better Measurement of Attention and Satisfaction in Mobile Search
Dmitry Lagun (Emory University), Chih-Hung Hsieh (Google), Dale Webster (Google), Vidhya Navalpakkam (Google)
•Modeling Action-level Satisfaction for Search Task Satisfaction Prediction
Hongning Wang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Yang Song (Microsoft Research, Redmond), Ming-Wei Chang (Microsoft Research), Xiaodong He (Microsoft Research), Ahmed Hassan (Microsoft Research), Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research)

Doctors and Lawyers (Room 6, 1:15-2:55)

•Circumlocution in Diagnostic Medical Queries
Isabelle Stanton (UC Berkeley), Samuel Ieong (Microsoft Research), Nina Mishra (Microsoft Research)
•Interactions between Health Searchers and Search Engines
Georg Schoenherr (Carnegie Mellon University), Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research)
•Evaluation of Machine Learning Protocols for Technology-Assisted Review in Electronic Discovery
Gordon V. Cormack (University of Waterloo), Maura R. Grossman (Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz)
•ReQ-ReC: High-Recall Retrieval with Rate-Limited Queries
Cheng Li (University of Michigan), Yue Wang (University of Michigan), Paul Resnick (University of Michigan), Qiaozhu Mei (University of Michigan)

Hashing and Efficiency (Room 7, 1:15-2:55)

•Supervised Hashing with Latent Factor Models
Peichao Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Wei Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Wu-Jun Li (Nanjing University), Minyi Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
•Preference Preserving Hashing for Efficient Recommendation
Zhiwei Zhang (Purdue University), Qifan Wang (Purdue University), Lingyun Ruan (Purdue University), Luo Si (Purdue University)
•Load Balancing for Partition-based Similarity Search
Xun Tang (University of California at Santa Barbara), Maha Alabduljalil (UCSB), Xin Jin, Tao Yang (University of California at Santa Barbara)
•Estimating Global Statistics for Unstructured P2P Search in the Presence of Adversarial Peers
Sami Richardson (University College London), Ingemar Cox (University College London)

Social Media (Room 5, 3:25-5:05)

•Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification of Social Text Streams
Zhaochun Ren (University of Amsterdam), Maria-Hendrike Peetz (University of Amsterdam), Shangsong Liang (U. of Amsterdam), Willemijn van Dolen, Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam)
•An Adaptive Teleportation Random Walk Model for Learning Social Tag Relevance
Xiaofei Zhu (L3S Research Center), Wolfgang Nejdl (L3S Research Center), Mihai Georgescu (L3S Research Center)
•Predicting the Popularity of Web 2.0 Items Based on User Comments
He Xiangnan (National University of Singapore), Ming Gao (Singapore Management University), Min-Yen Kan (National University of Singapore), Yiqun Liu (Tsinghua University), Kazunari Sugiyama (School of Computing)
•Recommending Social Media Content to Community Owners 
Inbal Ronen (IBM), Ido Guy (IBM Research India), Elad Kravi (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), Maya Barnea (IBM Research)

Indexing and Efficiency (Room 6, 3:25-5:05)

•Predictive Parallelization: Taming Tail Latencies in Web Search
Myeongjae Jeon (Rice University), Saehoon Kim (POSTECH), Seung-Won Hwang (POSTECH), Yuxiong He (Microsoft Research), Sameh Elnikety (Microsoft Research), Alan Cox (Rice University), Scott Rixner (Rice University)
•Skewed Partial Bitvectors for List Intersection
Andrew Kane (University of Waterloo), Frank Tompa (University of Waterloo)
•Partitioned Elias-Fano Indexes
Giuseppe Ottaviano (ISTI-CNR), Rossano Venturini (University of Pisa)
•Principled Dictionary Pruning for Low-Memory Corpus Compression
Jiancong Tong (Nankai University), Anthony Wirth (The University of Melbourne), Justin Zobel (University of Melbourne)

E Pluribus Unum (Room 7, 3:25-5:05)

•Learning for Search Result Diversification
Yadong Zhu (ICT)
•Fusion Helps Diversification
Shangsong Liang (U. of Amsterdam), Zhaochun Ren (University of Amsterdam), Maarten de Rijke (University of Amsterdam)
•Utilizing Relevance Feedback in Fusion-Based Retrieval
Ella Rabinovich (IBM Research Lab, Haifa), Oren Kurland (Technion)
•A Simple Term Frequency Transformation Model for Effective Pseudo Relevance Feedback
Zheng Ye (York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Jimmy Huang (York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Think Globally, Act Locally (Room 5, 10:30-11:45)

•Who is the Barbecue King of Texas?: A Geo-Spatial Approach to Finding Local Experts
Zhiyuan Cheng (Texas A&M University), James Caverlee (Texas A&M University), Himanshu Barthwal (Texas A&M University), Vandana Bachani (Texas A&M University)
•Your Neighbors Affect Your Ratings: On Geographical Neighborhood Influence to Rating Prediction
Longke Hu (Nanyang Technological University), Aixin Sun (Nanyang Technological University), Yong Liu (Nanyang Technological University)
•Processing Spatial-keyword Query as a Top-k Aggregation Query 
Dongxiang Zhang (National University of Singapore), Chee-Yong Chan, Kian-Lee Tan

Scientia Potentia Est (Room 6,10:30-11:45)

•Entity Query Feature Expansion using Knowledge Base Links
Jeffrey Dalton (CIIR, University of Massachusetts Amhest), James Allan (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Laura Dietz (CIIR, University of Massachusetts Amhest)
•QUADS: Question Answering for Decision Support
Zi Yang (Carnegie Mellon University), Eric nyberg
•Topic Labeled Text Classification: A Weakly Supervised Approach
Swapnil Hingmire (Tata Research Development And Design Centre), Sutanu Chakraborti (IIT Madras, India)

More Hashing (Room 7, 10:30-11:45)

•Discriminative Coupled Dictionary Hashing for Fast Cross-media Retrieval
Zhou Yu (Zhejiang University), Fei Wu (Zhejiang University), Yi Yang (University of Queensland), Qi Tian (University of Texas at San Antonio now at Microsoft Research), Jiebo Luo (University of Rochester), Yueting Zhuang (Zhejiang University)
•Active Hashing with Joint Data Example and Tag Selection
Qifan Wang (Purdue University), Luo Si (Purdue University)
•Latent Semantic Sparse Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search
Zhou Jile (Tsinghua University), Guiguang Ding (Tsinghua University), Yuchen Guo (Tsinghua University)

Brains!!! (Room 5, 3:25-4:15)

•Predicting Term-Relevance from Brain Signals
Manuel J. A. Eugster (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology), Ruotsalo Tuukka (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology), Michiel M SpapÈ (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology), Ilkka Kosunen (University of Helsinki), Oswald Barral (University of Helsinki), Niklas Ravaja (University of Helsinki), Giulio Jacucci (University of Helsinki), Samuel Kaski (Aalto University)
•Multidimensional Relevance Modeling via Psychometrics and Crowdsourcing
Yinglong Zhang (University of Texas at Austin), Jin Zhang (University of Texas at Austin ), Matthew Lease (University of Texas at Austin), Jacek Gwizdka (University of Texas at Austin )

Auto-completio (Room 6, 3:25-4:15)

•Learning User Reformulation Behavior for Query Auto-completion
Jyun-Yu Jiang (National Taiwan University), Pu-Jen Cheng (Dept. of CSIE, National Taiwan University)
•A Two-dimensional Click Model for Query Auto-completion
Yanen Li (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Anlei Dong (Yahoo! Labs), Hongning Wang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Hongbo Deng (Yahoo Labs), Yi Chang (Yahoo Labs), ChengXiang Zhai (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

How to Win Friends and Influence People (Room 6, 4:15-5:05)

•On Measuring Social Friend Interest Similarities in Recommender Systems
Hao Ma (Microsoft Research)
•IMRank: Influence Maximization via Finding Self-Consistent Ranking
Suqi Cheng (Institute of Computing Technology), Huawei Shen (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS), Junming Huang (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS), Wei Chen (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS), Xueqi Cheng (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS)

Collaborative Complex Personalization(Room 7, 3:25-5:05)

•User-Driven System-Mediated Collaborative Information Retrieval
Laure Soulier (IRIT - University Paul sabatier), Chirag Shah (Rutgers University), Lynda Tamine (IRIT - University of Toulouse)
•SearchPanel: Framing Complex Search Needs
Pernilla Qvarfordt (FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.), Simon Tretter (University of Amsterdam), Gene Golovchinsky (FX Palo Alto Laboratory), Tony Dunnigan (FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc.)
•Cohort Modeling for Enhanced Personalized Search
Jinyun Yan (Rutgers University), Wei Chu (Microsoft Bing), Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research)
•Characterizing Multi-Click Behavior and the Risks and Opportunities of Changing Results during Use
Chia-Jung Lee (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Jaime Teevan (Microsoft Research), Sebastian de la Chica (Microsoft Bing)

#moremicroblog #sigir2014 (Room 5, 10:30-11:45)

•Learning Similarity Functions for Topic Detection in Online Reputation Monitoring
Damiano Spina (UNED NLP & IR Group), Julio Gonzalo (UNED), Enrique Amigó (UNED)
•Predicting Trending Messages and Diffusion Participants in Microblogging Network
Jingwen Bian (National University of Singapore), Yang Yang (National University of Singapore), Tat Seng Chua (National University of Singapore)
•Leveraging Knowledge across Media for Spammer Detection in Microblogging
Xia Hu (Arizona State University), Jiliang Tang (Arizona State University), Huan Liu

Scents and Sensibility (Room 6, 10:30-11:45)

•Using Information Scent and Need for Cognition to Understand Online Search Behavior 
Wan-Ching Wu (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Diane Kelly (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill), Avneesh Sud (Microsoft Bing)
•Discrimination Between Tasks with User Activity Patterns During Information Search
Michael J. Cole (Rutgers University), Chathra Hendahewa (Rutgers Univesity), Nicholas J Belkin (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey), Chirag Shah (Rutgers University)
•Investigating Users' Query Formulations for Cognitive Search Intents
Makoto Kato (Kyoto University), Takehiro Yamamoto (Kyoto University), Hiroaki Ohshima (Kyoto University), Katsumi Tanaka (Kyoto University)

Users vs. Models (Room 7, 10:30-11:45)

•Win-Win Search: Dual-Agent Stochastic Game in Session Search
Jiyun Luo (Georgetown University), Sicong Zhang (Georgetown University), Grace Hui Yang (Georgetown University)
•Injecting User Models and Time into Precision via Markov Chains
Marco Ferrante (University of Padua), Nicola Ferro (University of Padua), Maria Maistro (University of Padua)
•Searching, Browsing, and Clicking in a Search Session
Jiepu Jiang (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Daqing He (University of Pittsburgh), James Allan (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Sentiments (Room 5, 1:40-2:55)

•Coarse-to-Fine Review Selection via Supervised Joint Aspect and Sentiment Model
Zhen Hai (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Gao Cong, Kuiyu Chang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Wenting Liu (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Peng Cheng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
•Cross-Domain and Cross-Category Emotion Tagging for Comments of Online News
Ning Zhang (Purdue University), Ying Zhang (Nankai University), Luo Si (Purdue University), Yanshan Lu (Purdue University), Xiaojie Yuan (NanKai University)
•Economically-Efficient Sentiment Stream Analysis
Roberto Lourenco de Oliveira Junior (UFMG), Adriano Veloso (UFMG), Wagner Meira Jr. (UFMG), Adriano Pereira (UFMG), Renato Ferreira (UFMG), Srinivasan Parthasarathy (OSU)

More Like Those (Room 6, 1:40-2:55)

•New and Improved: Modeling Versions to Improve App Recommendation
Jovian Lin (National University of Singapore), Kazunari Sugiyama (School of Computing), Min-Yen Kan (National University of Singapore), Tat Seng Chua (National University of Singapore)
•Bundle Recommendation in eCommerce
Zhu Tao (WalmartLabs), Patrick Harrington (WalmartLabs), Junjun Li (WalmartLabs), Lei Tang (WalmartLabs)
•Does Product Recommendation Meet its Waterloo in Unexplored Categories? No, Price Comes to Help
Chen Jia (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Qin Jin (Renmin University of China), Shiwan Zhao (IBM CRL), Shenghua Bao (IBM CRL), Li Zhang (IBM CRL), Zhong Su (IBM CRL), Yong Yu (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Signs and Symbols (Room 7, 1:40-2:55)

•Query Expansion for Cross-script Information Retrieval
Parth Gupta (UPV), Monojit Choudhury (Microsoft Research India), Rafael Banchs (Institute for Infocomm Research), Paolo Rosso, Kalika Bali (Microsoft Research India)
•Retrieval of Similar Chess Positions
Debasis Ganguly (Dublin City University)
•A Mathematics Retrieval System for Formulae in Layout Presentations
Xiaoyan Lin (Peking University), Liangcai Gao, Xuan Hu, Xiaozhong Liu (Indiana University Bloomington), Zhi Tang

Picture This (Room 5, 3:25-5:05)

•Recognizing and Annotating Places-of-Interest in Smartphone Photos
Pai Peng, Lidan Shou, Chen Ke, Chen Gang, Sai Wu
•Click-through-based Cross-view Learning for Image Search
Yingwei Pan (University of Science and Technology of China), Ting Yao (City University of Hong Kong), Tao Mei (Microsoft Research), Houqiang Li (University of Science and Technology of China), Chong-Wah Ngo, Yong Rui (Microsoft Research)
•Learning to Personalize Trending Image Search Suggestion
Chun-Che Wu (National Taiwan University), Tao Mei (Microsoft Research), Winston H. Hsu (Dept. of Computer Science and Information Eng), Yong Rui (Microsoft Research)
•PRISM: Concept-preserving Social Image Search Results Summarization
Boon-Siew Seah (Nanyang Technological University), Sourav S. Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University), Aixin Sun (Nanyang Technological University)

Time and Tide (Room 6, 3:25-5:05)

•Time-Critical Search
Nina Mishra (Microsoft Research), Ryen W. White (Microsoft Research), Samuel Ieong (Microsoft Research), Eric Horvitz (Microsoft Research)
•Learning Temporal-Dependent Ranking Models
Miguel Costa (Large-Scale Informatics Systems Laboratory ), M·rio Silva, Francisco Couto
•Web Page Segmentation with Structured Prediction and its Application in Web Page Classification
Lidong Bing (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Rui Guo (Baidu Inc.), Wai Lam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Zhengyu Niu (Baidu Inc.), Wang Haifeng
•Query Log Driven Web Search Results Clustering
Jose Moreno (University of Caen), GaÎl Dias (Normandie University), Guillaume Cleuziou (University of Orléans)

Summaries and Semantics (Room 7, 3:25-4:15)

•CTSUM: Extracting More Certain Summaries for News Articles
Xiaojun Wan (Peking University), Jianmin Zhang (Peking University & Beijing Normal University)
•Continuous Word Embeddings for Detecting Local Text Reuses at the Semantic Level
Qi Zhang (Fudan University), Jihua Kang (Fudan University), Jin Qian (Fudan University), Xuanjing Huang (Fudan University)

[Citation] Recommendation (Room 7, 4:15-5:05)

•CiteSight: Supporting Contextual Citation Recommendation Using Differential Search
Avishay Livne (University of Michigan), Vivek Gokuladas (University of Michigan), Jaime Teevan (Microsoft Research), Susan T Dumais (Microsoft Research Redmond), Eytan Adar (University of Michigan)
•Cross-language Context-Aware Citation Recommendation in Scientific Articles
Xuewei Tang (Peking University), Xiaojun Wan (Peking University), Xun Zhang (Peking University)


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