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SIGIR 2013 accepted 85 Short Papers/poster

SIGIR 2013 has accepted 85 Short Papers/poster.

Short Papers offer researchers an opportunity to present significant work in progress or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. Each submission accepted for SIGIR 2013 will be presented in a poster format, in order to provide researchers with an opportunity to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide audience during the poster session.

Poster presentations of SIGIR Short Papers will take place on Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon as part of the main scientific programme, not on Monday evening as in previous years. Note that half of the posters will be presented on Monday and half on Tuesday!

Modeling the Uniqueness of the User Preferences for Recommendation Systems
Roitman Haggai, IBM Research Lab, Hafia, Mass Yosi, IBM Research Lab, Hafia, Eiron Iris, IBM Research Lab, Hafia, Carmel David, IBM Research

Timeline Generation with Social Attention
ZHAO Xin, PKU, Guo Yanwei, N/A, Yan Rui, N/A, He Yulan, N/A

Summary of the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 Task: Subtopic Mining and Search Result Diversification
Sakai Tetsuya, Microsoft Research Asia, Dou Zhicheng, Microsoft Research Asia, Yamamoto Takehiro, Kyoto University, Liu Yiqun, N/A

The Impact of Intent Selection on Diversified Search Evaluation
Sakai Tetsuya, Microsoft Research Asia, Dou Zhicheng, Microsoft Research Asia, Clarke Charles L.A., University of Waterloo

A Novel Topic Model for Automatic Term Extraction
Sujian Li, Peeking University, Ii Jiwei, N/A, Song Tao, N/A, Li Wenjie, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Estimating Query Representativeness for Query-Performance Prediction
Shtok Anna, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Kurland Oren, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Tagcloud-based Explanation with Feedback for Recommender Systems
Chen Wei, National University of Singapore, Hsu Wtnne, National University of Singapore, Lee Mong Li, National University of Singapore

Finding Knowledgeable Groups in Enterprise Corpora
Liang Shangsong, University of Amsterdam, de Rijke Maarten, University of Amsterdam

LDA-smoothed Relevance Model for Document Expansion: A Case Study for Spoken Document Retrieval
Ganguly Debasis, Dublin City University, Leveling Johannes, CNGL and School of Computing, Dublin City University, Gareth Jones, Dublin City University

Kinship Contextualization: Utilizing the Preceding and Following Structural Elements
Norozi, Muhammad, Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technolog, Arvola Paavo, University of Tampere Finland

Displaying Relevance Scores for Search Results
Shani Guy, Ben Gurion University, Tractinsky Noam, Ben Gurion University

Ranking-Oriented Nearest-Neighbor Based Method for Automatic Image Annotation
Cui Chaoran, Shandong University, Ma Jun, Shandong University, Lian Tao, Shandong University

IRWR: Incremental Random Walk with Restart
Yu Weiren, University of New South Wales

Interpretation of Coordinations, Compound Generation, and Result Fusion for Query Variants
Leveling Johannes, CNGL and School of Computing, Dublin City University

Inferring Ratings from User-Generated Text for One-Class Collaborative Filtering over TED Talks
Pappas Nikolaos, Idiap Research Institute, Popescu-Belis Andrei, N/A

Report from the NTCIR-10 1CLICK-2 Japanese Subtask: Baselines, Upperbounds and Evaluation Robustness
Kato Makoto, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Informatics, Sakai Tetsuya, Microsoft Research Asia, Yamaoto Takehiro, Kyoto University, Iwata Mayu, Osaka University

Leveraging Viewer Comments for Mood Classification of Music Video Clips
Yamamoto Takehiro, Kyoto University, Nakamura Satoshi, Kyoto University, Department of Social Informatics

RecSys for Distributed Events: Investigating the influence of recommendations on visitor plans
Schaller Richard, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Harvey Morgan, University of Lugano, Elsweiler David, University of Regensburg, I:IMSK

Commodity Query By Snapping
Huang Hao, Singapore Management University, Gao Yunjun, Zhejiang University, Chiew Kevin, Tan Tao University, School of Engineering, He Qinming, Zhejiang University, College of Computer Science

Composition of TF normalizations: new insights on scoring functions for ad hoc IR
Rousseau François , Ecole Polytechnique, Vazirgiannis Michalis, Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'X (LIX)

Interoperability Ranking for Mobile Applications
Yankov Dragomir, Microsoft, Berkhin Pavel, Microsoft, Subba Rajen, Microsoft

Explicit Feedback in Local Search Tasks
White Ryen, Microsoft Research Redmond, Bailey Peter, Microsoft, Buscher Georg, N/A, Sud Avneesh, Bing, Microsoft

Mining Web Search Topics With Diverse Spatiotemporal Patterns
Jiang DI, HKUST, Ng Wilfred, Hkust

Here and There: Goals, Activities, and Predictions about Location from Geotagged Queries
West Robert, Stanford University, White Ryen, Microsoft Research Redmond, Horvitz Eric, Microsoft Research

Optimizing Top-N Collaborative Filtering via Dynamic Negative Item Sampling
Zhang Weinan, University College London, Chen Tianqi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Wang Jun, University College London, Department of Computer Science,Yu Yong APEX Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Bias-Variance Decomposition of IR Evaluation
Zhang Peng, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Song Dawei, The Open University, Department of Computing, Wang Jun, University College London, Department of Computer Science, Hou Yuxian, Tianjin University, School of Computer Science and Technology

The Cluster Hypothesis for Entity Oriented Search
Raviv Hadas, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Kurland Oren, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Carmel David, IBM Research

Question Retrieval with User Intent
Chen Long, Birkbeck, University of London, Zhang Dell, Birkbeck, University of London, DCSIS, Levene Mark, Birkbeck, University of London

Using Social Annotations to Enhance Document Representation for Personalized Search
Bouadjenek Mohamed Reda , Bell Labs, France, PRiSM Laboratory, Versailles University, Hacid Hakim, Bell Labs, France, Data Analytics and Management Departement, Bouzehoub Mokrane, CNRS & University of Versailles

SoPRa: A New Social Personalized Ranking Function for Improving Web Search
Bouadjenek Mohamed Reda , Bell Labs, France, PRiSM Laboratory, Versailles University, Hacid Hakim, Bell Labs, France, Data Analytics and Management Departement, Bouzehoub Mokrane, CNRS & University of Versailles

Effectiveness–Efficiency Tradeoffs for Candidate Generation in Multi-Stage Retrieval Architectures
Asadi Nima, University of Maryland at College Park, Lin Jimmy, University of Maryland at College Park

Finding Impressive Social Content Creators
Seki Yohei, University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Library, Information and Media Sci, Miyajima, Kiyoto

Self Reinforcement for Important Passage Retrieval
Ricardo Ribeiro, ISCTE-IUL and INESC ID Lisboa, Marujo Luís, ISCTE-IUL and INESC ID Lisboa, Martins de Matos David, IST and INESC ID Lisboa, Spoken Language Systems Laboratory, Neto João P., IST and INESC ID Lisboa, Spoken Language Systems Laboratory

Shame to be Sham: Addressing Content-Based Grey Hat Search Engine Optimization
Raiber Fiana, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Collins-Thompson Kevyn, Mircosoft Research, Kurland Oren, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,

Linking Transcribed Conversational Speech
Oard Douglas W, University of Maryland, Sangawan Abhijeet, N/A, Hansen John, N/A

Flat vs Hierarchical Translation Models for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Ture Ferhan, University of Maryland, Lin Jimmy, University of Maryland,

Mapping Queries to Questions: Towards Understanding Users’ Information Needs
Gao Yunjun, Zhejiang University, Li Rui, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer Science, Chen Lu, Zhejiang University, Chen Gang, Zhejiang University

Building a Web Test Collection using Social Media
Lee Chia-Jung, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Croft W.Bruce, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Document Classification by Topic Labeling
Hingmire Swapnil, IIT Madras, India, TRDDC Pune, India, Chougule Sandeep, Tata Consultancy Services, TRDDC Pune, India, Palshikar Girish, Tata Consultancy Services, TRDDC Pune, India, Chakraborti Sutanu, IIT Madras, India

Browse with A Social Web Directory
Huang Hao, Singapore Management University, Gao Yunjun, Zhejiang University, Li Rui, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer Science, Chen Lu, Zhejiang University

The Bag-of-Repeats Representation of Documents
Gallé Matthias, Xerox Research Centre Europe

Time-aware Structured Query Suggestion
Miyanishi Taiki, Kobe University, Sakai Tetsuya, Microsoft Research Asia

What Can Pictures Tell Us About Web Pages? Improving Document Search using Images
Torresani Lorenzo, Darthmouth College, Fitzgibbon Andrew, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Relating Retrievability, Performance and LengthTime-aware Structured Query Suggestion
Azzopardi Leif, University of Glasgow,

Hybrid Retrieval Approaches to Geospatial Music Recommendation
Schedl Markus, Johannes Kepler University, Schnitzer Dominik, Austrian Research Institute for AI

Pursuing Insights about Healthcare Utilization via Geocoded Search Queries
White Ryen, Microsoft Research Redmond, Horvitz Eric, Microsoft Research

Estimating Topical Context by Diverging from External Resources
Deveaud Romain, University of Avignon - LIA, Sanjuan-Ibekwe Eric, University of Avignon, Bellot Patrice, Aix-Marseille University, LSIS

Extractive Summarisation via Sentence Removal: Condensing Relevant Sentences into a Short Summary
Bonzanini Marco, Queen Mary University of London, Martinez-Alvarez Miguel, Queen Mary University of London, Roelleke Thomas, Queen Mary University of London,

Is relevance hard work? Evaluating the effort of making relevant assessments
Villa Robert, University of Sheffield, Halvey Martin, Glasgow Caledonian University, Computer, Communication & Interactive Systems

Cumulative Citation Recommendation: Classification vs. Ranking
Balog Krisztian, University of Stavanger, Ramampiaro Heri, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Is Uncertain Logical-Matching Equivalent to Conditional Probability?
Abdulahhad Karam, Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1, LIG laboratory / MRIM group, Chevallet Jean Pierre, Université Grenoble, Berrut Catherine, UJF Grenoble 1 - LIG laboratory - MRIM group

Exploring Semi-Automatic Nugget Extraction for Japanese One Click Access Evaluation
Kato Makoto, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Informatics, Pavlu Virgil, Northeastern University, Sakai Tetsuya, Microsoft Research Asia, Yamamoto Takehiro, Kyoto University, Iwata Mayu, Osaka University

A qualitative study on the positional accuracy of multimedia items on the social Web
Hauff Claudia, TU Delft

Recommending personalized touristic sights using Google Places
Sappelli Maya, TNO, Radboud University Nijmegen, Verberne Suzan, Radboud University Nijmegen, Kraaij Wessel, TNO, Radboud University Nijmegen

Assessor Disagreement and Text Classifier Accuracy
Webber William, University of Maryland, Pickens Jeremy, Catalyst Repository Systems

Author Disambiguation by Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering with Adaptive Stopping Criterion
Cen Lei, Purdue University, Dragut Eduard C, Purdue University, Computer Science Department, Si Luo, Purdue University

Who Will Retweet Me? Finding Retweeters in Twitter
Luo Zhunchen, National University of Defense Technology, Osbourne Miles, University of Edinburgh, Wang Ting, National University of Defense Technology

Sequential Testing in Classifier Evaluation Yields Biased Estimates of Effectiveness
Bagdouri Mossaab, University of Maryland, Lewis David D., Lewis Consulting, Oard Douglas W, University of Maryland,

On Contextual Photo Tag Recommendation
McParlane Philip, The University of Glasgow, Moshfeghi Yashar, The University of Glasgow, M. Jose Joemon, The University of Glasgow

Document Features Predicting Assessor Disagreement
Chandar Praveen, University of Delaware, Webber William, University of Maryland, Carterette Ben, University of Delaware

Neighbourhood Preserving Quantisation for LSH
Moran Sean, University of Edinburgh, Lavrenko Victor, University of Edinburgh, Osborne Miles, University of Edinburgh

A Comparison of the Optimality of Statistical Significance Tests for Information Retrieval Evaluatio
Urbano Julián, University Carlos III of Madrid, Marrero Mónica, University Carlos III of Madrid, Martín Diego, N/A

Towards Retrieving Relevant Information Graphics
Li Zhuo, University of Delaware, Computer and Information Science Department, Stagitis Matthew, University of Delaware, Computer and Information Science Department, Carberry Sandra, University of Delaware, Computer and Information Science Department,, McCoy Kathleen, University of Delaware, Computer and Information Science Department,

A Test Collection for Entity Search in DBpedia
Balog Krisztian, University of Stavanger, Neumayer Robert, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Improving LDA Topic Models for Microblogs via Automatic Tweet Labeling and Pooling
Mehrotra Rishabh, BITS Pilani, Sanner Scott, NICTA Canberra & ANU, Statistical Machine Learning Group, Buntine Wray, National ICT Australia, Xie Lexing, ANU, NICTA

Exploiting Semantics for Improving Clinical Information Retrieval
Huang Jimmy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,

Relevance Dimensions in Preference-based IR Evaluation
Kim Jinyoung, Microsoft Corp., Bing, Kazai Gabriella, Microsoft Corp., Bing, Microsoft Research Cambridge, Zitouni Imed, Microsoft Research, Bing

Temporal Variance of Intents in Multi-faceted Event-driven Information Needs
Whiting Stewart, Glasgow University, Zhou Ke, University of Glasgow, Jose Joemon M, University of Glasgow,

A Document Rating System for Preference Judgements
Bashir Maryam, Northeastern University, Anderton Jesse, Northeastern University, Golbus Peter, Northeastern University, Pavlu Virgil, Northeastern University, Aslam Javad A., Northeastern University

Query Change as Relevance Feedback in Session Search
Zhang Sicong, Georgetown University, Department of Computer Science, Guan Dongyi, Georgetown University, Yang Hui, Georgetown University

Ranking Explanatory Sentences for Opinion Summarization
Kim Hyun Duk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Castellanos Malu, HP Laboratories, Hsu Meichun, HP Laboratories, Zhai ChengXiang , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer Science, Dayal Umeshwar, HP Laboratories, Ghosh Riddhiman, HP Laboratories

The Knowing Camera: Recognizing Places-of-Interest in SmartPhone Photos
Shou Lidan, Zhejiang University, Chen Ke, Zhejiang University, Chen Gang, Zhejiang University, Wu Sai, Zhejiang University

Boosting Novelty for Biomedical Information Retrieval Through Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
Huang Jimmy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

An Adaptive Evidence Weighting Method for Medical Record Search
Zhu Dongqing, University of Delaware, Carterette Ben, University of Delaware

Collaborative Factorization for Recommender Systems
Yanyan Lan, Institute of Computing Technology, Guo Jiafeng, Institute of Computing Technology, Chen Xueqi, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS

Learning to Combine Representations for Medical Records Search
Limsopatham Nut, University of Glasgow, Macdonald Craig, University of Glasgow, Ounis Iadh, University of Glasgow,

Characterizing stages of a multi-session complex search task through query modification
He Jiyin, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Bron Marc, ILPS (University of Amsterdam), de Vries Arjen, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Delft University of Technology

Informational Friend Recommendation in Social Media
Wan Shengxian, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, Yanyan Lan, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, Guo Jiafeng, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, Cheng Xueqi, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS

A weakly-supervised detection of entity central documents in a stream
Bonnefoy Ludovic, LIA - University of Avignon, Bouvier Vincent, N/A, Bellot Patrice, Aix-Marseille University

From Keywords to Keyqueries: Content Descriptors for the Web
Gollub Tim, Bauhaus University Weimar, Hagen Matthias, Bauhaus University Weimar, Michel Maximilian, Bauhaus University Weimar, Web Technology and Information Systems group, Stein Bunno, Bauhaus University Weimar

A Financial Cost Metric for Result Caching
Ozcan Rifat, Turgut Ozal University, Cambazoglu B. Barla, Yahoo! Research, Altingovde Ismail Sengor, Middle East Technical University, Dept. of Computer Eng., Ulusoy Özgür , Bllkent University

Competition-Based Networks For Expert Finding
Aslay Cigdem, Yahoo! Research Barcelona Lab, OHare Neil, Yahoo!, Aiello Lucia Maria, N/A, Jaimes Alejandro, N/A

#trapped! Social Media Search System Requirements for Emergency Management Professionals
Raue Stefan, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Azzopardi Leif, University of Glasgow

Studying Page Life Patterns in Dynamical Web
Ostroumova Liudmila , Yandex, Moscow State University, Gusev Gleb, Yandex, Bogatyy Ivan, Yandex, Burangulov Pavel, Yandex, Ostroumova Liudmila, Yandex, Moscow State University, Koshellev Vitaliy, Yandex

Fresh BrowseRank
Zhukovskii, Maksim, Yandex, Khropov Andrey, Yandex, Gusev Gleb, Yandex, Serdyukov Pavel, Yandex, LLC

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