1. References and citations are best handled in a consistent way by using BibTeX. In this method, you supply all the relevant information about references in a “.bib file” without regard to ordering or style. Then you let BibTeX format all citations and reference entries according to the chosen bibliographic style, and you don’t have to sweat all the font and punctuation and ordering details yourself.
2. You can find .bib entries for major publications with a simple Google search.
3. The reference/bibliography section usually appears at the end of an publication. In your LaTeX file, these two commands insert the reference section:
bibliographystyle{xxx} bibliography{yyy}
4. Some commonly used bibliography styles
1: ieeetr 2: unsrt 3: IEEE 4: ama 5: cj 6: nar 7: nature 8: phjcp 9: is-unsrt | 10: plain 11: abbrv 12: acm 13: siam 14: jbact 15: amsplain 16: finplain 17: IEEEannot 18: is-abbrv | 19: is-plain 20: annotation 21: plainyr 22: decsci 23: jtbnew 24: neuron 25: cell 26: jas99 27: abbrvnat | 28: ametsoc 29: apalike 30: jqt1999 31: plainnat 32: jtb 33: humanbio 34: these 35: chicagoa 36: development | 37: unsrtnat 38: amsalpha 39: alpha 40: annotate 41: is-alpha 42: wmaainf 43: alphanum 44: apasoft |
5. The file biblio.bib is not read directly by the latex program. Instead, the command bibtex extracts only the needed references from the *.bibfile(s) and converts them (in the indicated style) to LaTeX form in a new file MyDoc.bbl. LaTeX can then use the contents of MyDoc.bbl directly.
6. biblio sample
@ARTICLE{Bay1, author = "A. Bayliss and C. I. Goldstein and E. Turkel", title = "An iterative method for the {H}elmholtz equation", journal = "J. Comp. Phys.", volume = 49, pages = "443--457", year = 1983 } @TECHREPORT{Ernst, author = "O. Ernst and G. Golub", title = "A domain decomposition approach to solving the {H}elmholtz equation with a radiation boundary condition", number = "NA-92-08", school = "Stanford University, Computer Science Department", year = "August 1992" }
Other reference information
(1) An FAQ regarding multiple author names; In a bib file you list all the authors’ names together joined with word “and”, e.g.,
author = "Jane Smith and E. B. Johnson and Strunk, Jr., William",
BibTeX then does the appropriate things to names and initials and punctuation, according to the chosen bibliographic style.
author = "Jane Smith and E. B. Johnson and Strunk, Jr., William",
BibTeX then does the appropriate things to names and initials and punctuation, according to the chosen bibliographic style.
(2) When using BibTeX, the interaction between names and accenting is somewhat tricky. You should use `G{“o}del’ or `G{“{o}}del’, and not `{G{“{o}}del}’ or `{G”{o}del}’. (Thanks to Dana Jacobsen for this tip.)
- @article
- An article from a journal or magazine
- @book
- A book with an explicit publisher
- @booklet
- A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution
- @conference
- The same as inproceedings
- @inbook
- A part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages
- @incollection
- A part of a book having its own title
- @inproceedings
- An article in a conference proceedings
- @manual
- Technical documentation
- @mastersthesis
- A Master’s thesis
- @misc
- Use this type when nothing else fits
- @phdthesis
- A PhD thesis
- @proceedings
- The proceedings of a conference
- @techreport
- A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series
- @unpublished
- A document having an author and title, but not formally published
- @collection
- Not a standard entry type. Use proceedings instead.
- @patent
- Not a standard entry type.
- address
- Usually the address of the publisher or other type of institution. For major publishing houses, van Leunen recommends omitting the information entirely. For small publishers, on the other hand, you can help the reader by giving the complete address.
- annote
- An annotation. It is not used by the standard bibliography styles, but may be used by others that produce an annotated bibliography.
- author
- The name(s) of the author(s), in the format described in the LaTeX book.
- booktitle
- Title of a book, part of which is being cited. See the LaTeX book for how to type titles. For book entries, use the title field instead.
- chapter
- A chapter (or section or whatever) number.
- crossref
- The database key of the entry being cross referenced. Any fields that are missing from the current record are inherited from the field being cross referenced.
- edition
- The edition of a book—for example, “Second”. This should be an ordinal, and should have the first letter capitalized, as shown here; the standard styles convert to lower case when necessary.
- editor
- Name(s) of editor(s), typed as indicated in the LaTeX book. If there is also an author field, then the editor field gives the editor of the book or collection in which the reference appears.
- howpublished
- How something strange has been published. The first word should be capitalized.
- institution
- The sponsoring institution of a technical report.
- journal
- A journal name. Abbreviations are provided for many journals.
- key
- Used for alphabetizing, cross referencing, and creating a label when the “author” information is missing. This field should not be confused with the key that appears in the cite command and at the beginning of the database entry.
- month
- The month in which the work was published or, for an unpublished work, in which it was written. You should use the standard three-letter abbreviation, as described in Appendix B.1.3 of the LaTeX book.
- note
- Any additional information that can help the reader. The first word should be capitalized.
- number
- The number of a journal, magazine, technical report, or of a work in a series. An issue of a journal or magazine is usually identified by its volume and number; the organization that issues a technical report usually gives it a number; and sometimes books are given numbers in a named series.
- organization
- The organization that sponsors a conference or that publishes a manual.
- pages
- One or more page numbers or range of numbers, such as 42--111 or 7,41,73--97 or 43+ (the `+‘ in this last example indicates pages following that don’t form a simple range). To make it easier to maintain Scribe-compatible databases, the standard styles convert a single dash (as in 7-33) to the double dash used in TeX to denote number ranges (as in 7--33).
- publisher
- The publisher’s name.
- school
- The name of the school where a thesis was written.
- series
- The name of a series or set of books. When citing an entire book, the the title field gives its title and an optional series field gives the name of a series or multi-volume set in which the book is published.
- title
- The work’s title, typed as explained in the LaTeX book.
- type
- The type of a technical report—for example, “Research Note”.
- volume
- The volume of a journal or multi-volume book.
- year
- The year of publication or, for an unpublished work, the year it was written. Generally it should consist of four numerals, such as 1984, although the standard styles can handle any year whose last four nonpunctuation characters are numerals, such as `hbox{(about 1984)}’.
- affiliation
- The authors affiliation.
- abstract
- An abstract of the work.
- contents
- A Table of Contents
- copyright
- Copyright information.
- The International Standard Book Number.
- The International Standard Serial Number. Used to identify a journal.
- keywords
- Key words used for searching or possibly for annotation.
- language
- The language the document is in.
- location
- A location associated with the entry, such as the city in which a conference took place.
- The Library of Congress Call Number.
- mrnumber
- The Mathematical Reviews number.
- The WWW Universal Resource Locator that points to the item being referenced. This often is used for technical reports to point to the ftp site where the postscript source of the report is located.
Other (nonstandard) fields
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